Reset your Plz@Me Token
Plz@Me requires a valid token to save your subscriptions. This is a JWT token which expires after a certain period, so you might need to refresh it occasionally.
Steps to refresh:
1. Visit Plz@Me. Clicking this will open a new browser tab so you can keep this tab open and review instructions
2. Click the "Login to Please @ Me" button. If you are already logged in, then you will see your current subscriptions and can ignore this step.
3. Click the gear icon ( ) in the top right corner to pop open the settings dialog.
4. Click the copy icon ( ) to copy your login token.
5. Click on the add-on button ( ) in your browser tool bar to open the extension settings for Plz@Me. Hovering over the icons should show one with "Plz@Me"
6. Paste the login token into the input box labeled auth token.